Friday 9 August 2013

Descending into Bemanda the bus pulls around and to the left a waterfall dropping unimpeded for about 60 metres, a slow white arc against the green of the mountainside. On the right the city spreads out up to the hills ringing it.
Like many bus stations we've been to recently the "driveway' is dirt and mud. After exiting the bus we  carefully retrieve our belongings. I take on my backpack and Joshua's in front (actually nicely balanced) while he finds us a cab. I'm lost immediately as the driver takes left turns, right turns and proceeds along streets towards our destination.
 From the balcony later I spot the waterfall and determine it is to the south and east of our present location. A thunderstorm erupts off in the distance, immense black clouds crossed with a rainbow.
That evening we are led down a narrow alley in the dark to be welcomed officially by the Board of Better World Cameroon. They called us brother and sister, many hugs and handshakes, new names and introductions.
  Prayers had been said to assure our safe arrival as we came through the air and overland by bus. A short speech of welcome, and then the meal. Being the guests of honour we're served first. Rice with vegetables, fried plantain in strips, greens with little white flecks (ground melon seed)and chicken.
The host and Board chair brings out a bottle of ...  German style beer brewed here in Cameroon (since 1759 it says on the bottle) and then everyone else fills their plates. A major grace spoken with much reference to Jesus and then the toasts. We are told the tradition of serving the patriarch the chicken's gizzard and yes I ate every morsel. 
Energized by a delicious meal  Elke speaks, introducing herself and her work. My turn and I speak about education, men's work and my role working with Elke. How our intention is to support the creation of a Better World.
Aware that we have been traveling for the last three days our hosts encourage a short evening and we head back to the apartment proceeding flashlight in hand to fall asleep to the sounds of the nightclub below, the honking of taxis and motorcycles from the street out front.